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Friends of the Library

Mission Statement: The Friends of the Addison Township Public Library exist to promote, support and enhance the library and to foster a lifelong love of reading.


2023 Friends' Officers:

President: Jill Banaszynski, 248-969-0186

Vice President: Linda Meininger

Treasurer:  Linda Hodges

Secretary: Chris Podsiadlik

Members at Large: Reuben Flatt, Tom Podsiadlik


What Do The Friends Do?

The Friends of the Addison Twp Public Library is a constant source of support to the library. The group has worked to make the community more aware of the library and to raise much-needed funds. Some of our projects include:
  • Book sales 
  • Flavor Fest, Silent Auction and Wine Tasting
  • Online pasta fundraisers
  • Strawberry Festival Booth
  • Donations to support the new building project 

How Can I Join?

Become a member!

Be of service to the library and the community! Bring creative ideas to the group. 

Fill out an application here or stop by the library to pick one up.

FOL meetings are every other Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., at the Library, in the even months (June, August, etc.). All are welcome!

Membership Categories:

$5: A good Friend

$10: Golden/Special Friend

$25: Family Membership

$50: Benevolent Friend, Association, Business, Club

$100: True Blue Friend-Patron

$250: Individual Lifetime Membership


Dues are paid annually and may qualify as a tax deduction, as we are a 501(c)3 organization. 

Make checks payable to Friends of the Addison Twp Public Library, PO Box 24, Lakeville, MI 48366. 

When Are FOL Meetings?

FOL meetings are every other Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., at the Library, in the even months (June, August, etc.). The annual meeting is held in November, date and time TBD.

All are welcome!

How Can I Donate?

Make financial donations or gifts in memory of, or to honor a loved one!

Donate cash or make check payable to Friends of the Addison Twp Public Library, PO Box 24, Lakeville, MI 48366. 

Why Should I Join?

Friends groups can make the difference between a budget increase and a budget cut for their libraries.

As much money as Friends raise through book sales and other activities, a 1% increase in your library’s budget can add up to tens of thousands of dollars or more depending on the size of your library’s budget. Not only that, but many libraries across the country owe their new additions or new buildings to an effective advocacy campaign waged by the Friends to ensure community support.

You can make a long lasting and significant difference for your library through advocacy.

Thank you for your support

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