Adult-2020 ATPL Summer Reading Program
Adults: 18yrs +
How it works:
- Go to the library website to access ebooks through Overdrive, Libby or Tumblebooks.
- You will need your library card and PIN to access.
- Read a book, an e-book, or listen to an audio book.
- Post each title/author that you read on our Adult 2020 Summer Reading Facebook Group = one raffle ticket for each book you listen to or read. You will need a Facebook account.
- To post your reading go to our Group Page and tap Join Group.
- You will be entered in the drawing for the gift basket of your choice!
- All titles must be posted by the end of August 7th.
- The winning names will be drawn at the end-of-summer party on August 10th.
- All events this summer will be online.
Library Reopening
June 15:
Curbside Service
June 22:
Open by Appointment