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April 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


 MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, April 18, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m.

Call to Order: The Library Board President called the meeting to order at 7:05PM, in the Addison Township Public Library, 1400 Rochester Rd, Leonard, MI 48367

Board Members Present: J. Baldiga - Yes, J. Eller - Yes, J. Elsarelli - Yes, Kara King - Yes,

  1. Newby - Yes, M. Szost - Yes

Pledge of Allegiance  All in attendance participated

Approval of Agenda: J. Eller moves to approve the agenda, as amended, to include Public Information Committee | New Building under committee reports.  2nd by J. Baldiga, all in favor, motion carries.

Call to Audience: (two minutes per visitor) 

Consent Agenda: J. Elsarelli moves to accept consent agenda, 2nd M. Szost, all in favor, none opposed, motion carries.  

  • Approval of March 21, 2023 meeting minutes
  • Approval of March 2023 bills and expenses as paid

Financial Report:  M. Szost recited the profit/loss ledger indicating the budget is in check as expected.  Detailed transaction report from D. Lamsa, CPA reviewed along with March income/expense snapshot.  A question regarding the PayPal account was raised.  J. Baldiga explains the fee.  Director Walker shares the first State funding payment was received in March in the amount of $3,149.00 deposited to LGIP account.  J.Baldiga moves to accept the Financial Report, 2nd J. Eller, all in favor, none opposed, motion carries.

Director’s Report:  Increase in Wi-Fi , Hoopla, and circulation.  Programs across the board are thriving.  Google search visits increased by 19%.  2 book clubs are now offered and well attended.  Dungeons & Dragons is well attended and on the increase.  Special programming, pizza & puzzles young couples, over 30 in attendance.  ATPL was awarded a grant from ALA Publications.  Director Walker expounds on the grant.  The News Letter will come out in May promoting all new offered programming.  J. Baldiga moves to accept the Director’s Report, K. King 2nd. All in favor, none opposed, motion carries.

Committee Reports:  

New Building: 

  • *Committee representative to follow up with the land donor to discuss the possible options of sale or usage for address location 1457 Rochester Rd. -  A board representative will share the New building plan with the donor and the intention of the board going forward.              
  • *The Building Committee reviewed the site plans with the General Contractor, G. Louweart, who suggests having a half wall leading to the basement on one side of the staircase and storage on the other side as indicated in the plans.  The lower level is not open to the public and utilized solely for storage. The General Contractor suggests completing it as a full basement, not as a crawl space.  It is suggested that this may create space for the Friends of Library.  Storage in the future.  Friends have requested space for storage if possible.  This plan allows for the potential of opening access later after the building is completed. Recommendation from the Building Committee is to make a full basement.  J. Elsarelli moves to adopt the changes to the staircase and basement as proposed by the Building Committee, 2nd J. Baldiga.  Discussion-none, all in favor, motion carries. 2nd topic - site plan:  To save cost on site without jeopardizing the functions or limiting expansion of parking area -the recommendation is to eliminate 2nd drive approach, create an overflow parking area of gravel or milling.  This allows turning radius for emergency vehicles with potential to change later down the road.  This plan also removes the storm drains, keeping within code.  This will also include conduit for parking lights & exterior to be added in the future.  J. Elsarellli moves to approve the suggested changes to the site plan as mentioned above. 2nd M.Szost, discussion - none. All in favor, motion carries.
  • *Resubmit site plan for review with the Township.  This will carry as an action item until the new site plans are finalized.

Policy:  Meeting scheduled  to review employee handbook code of conduct.


Capital:  Responsible Entity will be the township per General Contractor.  Environmental information shared with the Township.


Public Information Committee | New Bldg:  J. Baldiga - notes from the committee meeting  - outbound communication will be on 2 websites and will include status updates of new building, capital campaign, fundraising, and meeting schedules.  Public Information Committee will manage outgoing communications from the Library.  J. Baldiga, with the committee, will identify the things currently on the page that need to change, making it correct, giving the page a face lift, and encouraging traffic to the main website.  Director Walker recommends taking down the “Let’s Build a Library” sign.  The Board is in  agreement.


Old Business: 

  • Preparation for Millage in 2024 -  Library of Michigan has a training program this month.  Director Walker will be meeting with the Library of Michigan representative.  A timeline will come based on the Library of Michigan recommendations.  More information to come.

New Business:

Discussion with Auditor - Welcome - PSLZ PLLC, CPA, Rana Emmons. Upon conducting the ATPL audit, R. Emmons recommends:

  • Spending of funds to go before the full board according to state statute.  Discussion took place and clarity of the Board designating a dollar amount cap in place for approved spending that the Director does not have to have approved by the Board is in place.  This is found acceptable as is the current financial voting procedures. 
  •  Auditor also recommends the new building fund and operation funds continue to be separate.  Recommends separate budget, separate checking & saving accounts for the building fund. This is also a help to our CPA, D. Lamsa, by saving less time making multiple transactions from one account to the other.  Auditor also recommends only doing Quick Books for the new building.  D. Lamsa will work with R. Emmons to separate any LGIP funds that are to be designated for the building funds. The Auditor, Director and CPA will work on the separation hopefully for the next meeting.  
  • Paying for storage of library items with Stor-Your-Stuf - ownership changed and the Library will no longer have a discounted status.  Current prices are $110.00 for a 10x10, $45.00 - 5x5, which is $1240.00 yearly for all the units.  Director suggests consolidation of usedable items and only keeping the 10 x 10 sized unit.   Director to indicate what is salvageable.  Director will go through the units and make the decision on what to keep.  J. Baldiga will contact the former owner who is still listed as the contact person on the monthly billing statement received from the storage company.   (Keith Dupie, 64080 Van Dyke Rd., Washington 586-781-5200) J. Baldiga moved to begin paying storage fees beginning  May 1, 2023 from the New Building fund, 2nd M.Szost.  Roll call vote: J. Baldiga - yes, J. Newby - yes, M.Szost - yes, K. King - yes, J. Eller - yes.  All in favor, none opposed, motion carries. 

Public Forum:  

Next Meeting: May 16, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise posted)

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by J.Baldiga, 2nd J. Newby  - All in favor - Meeting adjourned at 8:56 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

  1. L. Golden-Eller

Recording Secretary

*indicates action items for the Board

Meetings are voice recorded

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