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September 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, September 19, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m.

Call to Order: The Library Board President called the meeting to order at 7:07PM, in the Addison Township Public Library, 1400 Rochester Rd, Leonard, MI 48367

Board Members Present:  J. Baldiga - Yes, J. Eller - Yes, J. Elsarelli - Yes, K. King - Yes,

  1. Newby - No, M. Szost - Yes.

Pledge of Allegiance: All in attendance participated

Approval of Agenda: J. Baldiga moves to approve the agenda,  2nd by M. Szost, all in favor, motion carries.

Call to Audience: (two minutes per visitor) Jill Banaszynski - Friends of the Library President, shares needs for flavor fest - J. King & J. Eller to emcee, M. Szost, J. Elsarelli and K. King all help where needed.  

Consent Agenda:

  • Approval of August 15, 2023 meeting minutes
  • Approval of August 2023 bills and expenses as paid 

-J. Elsarelli moves to accept the consent agenda, with corrections, and bills & expenses as paid. 2nd by J. Baldiga.  Roll call vote; M. Szsot - yes, J. Baldiga - yes, K. King - yes, J. Eller - yes, J. Elsarelli - yes.  Motion carries.

Financial Report:

  • Approve funds to be transferred for 4th quarter operational expenses  - Treasurer Szost & CPA, D. Lamsa reviewed the report.  No need to move money this quarter which is the 3rd quarter.  Check again 4th quarter.  Holding well financially.  Discussion took place with the difference of the restricted funds balance that should be the New Building Fund and kept separate from the Operation Fund.  Review balance sheet for separating New Building development funds. - Discussion took place for more transparency -  $300,000.00 in balance sheet for Operations and $694,912.05 to the New Building Fund to reflect the true amount that is in the building fund.    This will continue to honor the intent of donations from the community.

- J. Baldiga motions to assign $694,912.05 from the Operations Fund to be moved to the New Building Fund. M. Szsot added to the motions to reflect the true amount that is in the building fund and to honor the intent of donors. New motion by M. Szost to move $694,912.05 from the Operations Fund and transfer it to the New Building Fund to reflect the true amount that is in the building fund and to honor the intent of donors. 2nd by K. King.  Roll call vote; J. Baldiga - yes, J. Eller - yes, J. Elsarelli - yes, K. King - yes, M. Szost - yes, none opposed, motion carried.                                                                                                             

Director’s Report:  K. Greve, Acting Interim Manager, shares a report from Director Walker along with the continued training of the new clerk.  Director Walker has created a google drive file for staff to have access pertinent information. . *Files outlined on pg.18 of the report.  CPA, D. Lamsa has all the employee records for tax & payroll information. 

-J. Baldiga moves to file the report as presented.  2nd by K. King, all in favor,  motion carries.

Committee Reports: 

New Building: 

  • Update on site plan application status - plans submitted and were accepted. PEA-firm used for reviewing site plans.
  • Environmental Review status - J. Baldiga received proposals of what we understood was needed.  Understanding was not complete, the complete proposal was discovered.  The complete cost from ASTI $26,000.00 payable by the federal funds - which includes the uploading of all materials needed for the Hero’s Fund as well - ASTI  Environmental is the firm that can cover all details and has been the only firm that knew all that was needed.

 -J. Baldiga moved to approve $26,000.00 to ASTI Environmental for the complete environmental assessment.  2nd by J. Elsarelli.  Roll call vote; M. Szost, J. Baldiga, K. King, J. Eller, J. Elsarelli, all yes in favor, motion approved.

  • Review previously approved process on approving work for the approved new building budget. 

- J. Elsarelli moves to add J. Baldiga to the process of approving work against the New Building budget, removing R. Walker, 2nd by K. King.  Hearing no discussion.  Roll call vote; M. Szost - yes, J. Baldiga - yes, K. King - yes, J. Eller - yes, J. Elsarelli -  yes.  Motion approved.    * (MS - would like to establish the needed line item budget for further down the road.  Committee will meet)

Public Information:



  • Review balance sheet for separating New Building development funds. - Discussion took place to be more transparent.   Decision was made to keep $300,000.00 balance sheet for Operations and $694,912.05 to be moved to the New Building Fund to reflect the true amount that is in the New Building Fund honoring the intent of donations from the community. As stated and voted on above in finance.



  • Update on proposed By-Law amendments.  - ongoing

Restorative Millage Renewal Committee: 

  • Review next steps from meeting with Shirley Bruursema - J. Baldiga spoke with S. Burmese, who shared a timeline and activities that need to be accomplished. First line of importance should be what amount we are requesting renewal of the restorative mill age from 2014. Asking for .2 mills renewing what the voters approved in 2014 - discussion took place- 10 years again & .2 mills again- renewing what is currently being paid. - verbiage recommendations. To note that the Library Board is NOT requesting an increase.   Headly rolls back will potentially stay the same over the next couple of years. This is the recommendation. 

 - J. Elsarelli moved to pursue the renewal of the 2014 mileage at .2 mill for 10 years. 2nd by M. Szost. Roll call vote; M. Szost - yes, J. Baldiga - yes, K. King - yes, J. Eller - yes, J. Elsarelli - yes.  All in favor, motion approved.

  • Dismiss Restorative Committee -  considered an information committee which is usually spearheaded from the library staff with information supplied from the board. Not having to establish an information committee, communications can be shared via the library staff.  Revisit the next meeting for directions. -  sharing of public information - messaging strategies 

-J. Elsarelli moves to dismiss the Restorative Committee based on purposes defined by the committee responsibilities.  Purpose fulfilled  J. Baldgia 2nd, all in favor, motion carries, none opposed, motion carries.

Director’s Evaluation Committee:

  • File forms created for the evaluation for later use.   J. Eller is to share information with K. Greve.  

-J. Baldiga moves to dismiss the committee.  2nd by M. Szost. Discussion-none all in favor, none opposed, motion carries.

New Director Hiring Committee:  committee shared findings, President shared findings, discussion took place.

Looking for a candidate with a minimum of Level 4 certificate from the Library of Michigan,  Supervisory experience of a  minimum of 1 year, experience with Library Software Systems preferred,  requirement of experience managing an operational budget.

Use the last advertisement to include level 4 certificate -  Committee to create an Ad for the Director position.  Salary, benefits, qualifications, and experience discussion took place.  

-J. Baldiga moves to set the  pay range at $45-$55, for full time & include benefits.  2nd by K. King.  Roll call vote; M. Szost - yes, J. Baldiga - yes, K. King - yes, J. Eller - yes, J. Elsarelli - yes. All in favor, motion carries.


  • Acknowledge resignation letter - exit interview on Friday sept. 22, M. Szost and J. Elsarelli will conduct this and collect keys, banking information, debit card and any Library property at that time. 

-J. Elsarelli moves to remove Rosie Walker from any & all financial bank accounts associated with the library effective end of day September 22, 2023.  2nd by M. Szost. All in favor, none opposed, motion carries.  

-J. Elsarelli moves to add M.Szost to all of the Operation Fund accounts, the New Building Fund Account & Savings account as a signatory to be effective September 22, 2023.  2nd by J. Eller.  All in favor, none opposed, motion carries.

Old Business: 

  • Review proposed 2024 Operation Budget - carried to next meeting

New Business:

  • Insurance coverage for items in storage - recovery. Letter for items in storage - currently not paying storage fees - waiting to hear back from corporate- 
  • Approve Primary Administrator for Intuit Quickbooks 

-J. Elsarelli moves to approve D. Lamsa as the Quick Books primary administrator with J.  Elsarelli as the point of contact for QuickBooks communications.   2nd by K. King.  All in favor, none opposed, motion carries.

  • Approval to proceed with purchase offer for parcels 05-27-256-009 and 05-27-254-007 - township appt. Supervisor Pearson to approach the board with an offer.  The offer is $120,000.00 from the township to purchase. 

-J. Baldiga moves to accept the offer of $120,000.00 & requests an official offer in writing.  K. King 2nd's motion.  Roll call vote; m. Szost - yes, J. Baldiga - yes, K. King - yes, J. Elsarelli - yes, J. Eller - yes. All in favor, motion approved.

Public Forum: J. Banaszynski offered a take on hiring procedures.

Next Meeting: October 17, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise posted)

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by K. King, 2nd by J. Baldiga, all in favor, none opposed - motion carries.

Meeting adjourned at 7:13PM

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