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March 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, March 21, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m.

Call to Order: The Library Board President called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM, in the Addison Township Public Library, 1400 Rochester Rd, Leonard, MI 48367

Board Members Present: J. Baldiga - Yes,(via phone), J. Eller - Yes, J. Elsarelli - Yes, Kara King - Yes,  J. Newby - Yes, Marilyn Szost - Yes

Pledge of Allegiance: All in attendance participated

Approval of Agenda: President sited agenda is page 1 only.  The other pages are done in prep work and not needed.   J.Elsarelli  moves to approve  agenda, 2nd M. Szost, all in favor, none opposed, motion carries.

Call to Audience: (two minutes per visitor) 

Consent Agenda:  K.King moves to accept consent agenda as corrected, 2nd M. Szost, all in favor, motion carries.

  • Approval of February 28, 2023 meeting minutes
  • Approval of February 2023 bills and expenses as paid

Financial Report: Treasurer Szost leads the discussion with D. Lamsa, CPA who explains the transfers of LGIP to the checking account.  D. Lamsa includes an ATPL transactions page to the packet for a better overview for the Board.  Director Walker explains that overall the budget is $10,000 less which is reflected in the figures.  M. Szost  deferrs to Director Walker.  Director Walker spoke with B. Cloutier, Director of the Oxford Library, who also deals with Oxford Bank, inquiring if they have had difficulties and seeking information.  It was decided that D. Lamsa will make notes|memos for all transactions taking place with the building funds when transferring any $ amount to the checking to cover building project expenses.  K. King moves to accept and file the financial report.  J. Baldiga 2nd. Roll call vote, J. Baldiga - yes, J. Eller - yes. J. Elsarelli - yes, K. King - yes, J. Newby - yes, M. Szost -  yes.  Motion carries. 

  • Transfer fund for expenses in the second quarter of 2023 (April-June).  Transfer money from the savings to checking as needed for operations and consider millage money to LGIP.  Discussion on the amount to transfer for the 2nd quarter took place. A motion by M. Szost in the amount of $40,000.00 to be transferred from LGIP to the savings account.  2nd K.King. Roll call vote - J.Baldiga - yes, J. Eller - yes, J. Elsarelli - yes,  K. King - yes, M. Szost - yes, J. Newby - yes - all in favor, motion carries.  The treasurer will email D. Lamsa as a confirmation to make the transaction.  M. Szost moves to deposit millage and state aide to LGIP account.  2nd by K.King - Roll call vote, J. Baldiga - yes, J. Eller - yes, J. Elsarelli - yes, K. King - yes, J. Newby - yes, M. Szost - yes, motion carries.                                                                                                         

Director’s Report:  Door count continues to increase, Wi-Fi and Ancestry usage growing.  New statistics added, google interactions- shows the tracking of those looking at the library website.  Director highlights the latest Pizza & Puzzle Night and Story Time both were well attended.  Special programming & Summer reading progress continues.  Technological  development is the next project as equipment updates are needed.  TLN Supervisor will be coming out to share what is best for budget, security software, and what is best fitting for the library.  Annual audit upcoming and preparation with D. Lamsa, Director, and Auditor is underway.  M. Szost asks,  Are you able to publicize in the local papers for special programs? -  Director replies yes and that the Oxford Leader has been sharing ATPL ongoing programs when the paper can accommodate the information.  

  • Marketing strategy for Facebook discussed as a possible posting platform for sharing in a public forum the activities of the library and to use as a marketing tool.  Not as a voice to  comment on other posted comments but to be informational to our community.  J. Newby - would like Director Walker to share a report of what the full technology plan is over the next few years.  Director Walker will be meeting this week with a team to start the creation of these potential needs as well as working with TLN for immediate and the future needs of the new building.   Discussion took place regarding future and current needs.  J. Eller moves to accept the Director's report, 2nd M. Szost, all in favor, motions carried.

Committee Reports: 

New Building: *Committee representative to follow up with Supervisor Pearson regarding the purchase of the donated property.  The new build site going forward will be referenced to 900 Lakeville Rd.  

 Follow up took place by J. Elsarelli- Supervisor Pearson will be meeting with the donor of the property and will then give an update. J. Elsarelli will share that information when it is available.

*J. Baldiga to provide HUD environmental information - information provided and discussed with Supervisor Pearson.  The Township is helping with what is needed to review and what we need to provide in order to  move forward.  Jamie Martell, Deputy Supervisor, went over the review and was able to share that much of the components from the previous review can still be used.  Things isolated to the property may be the only update(s) needed.  J. Elsarelli continues to keep this moving forward.  J. Baldiga requested that Jamie Martell be considered and approached to be the RE, (responsible enity) for the HUD information.

Project status update - basic updates that could be used for outreach-

  1. Property at 900 Lakeville Rd., has been purchased as the new library build site
  2. Property could potentially save up to $400,000.00 of the project cost in site development
  3. Current plans are remaining the same with the exception of the basement- Architect made suggestions of what could be taken out
  4. Additional step for G. Louwaert to provide a timeframe and cost of windows to show the cost savings before making a decision to evaluate and if it is worth the change.  G. Louwaert will price out. 
  1. Baldiga asks if  G. Louwaert will be able to give a line item cost estimate.  J. Elsarelli stated yes once approval of the site plan is received.                                                                                       

*review site plan with townships                                                                    

*formalize review of site plans with the township

Planning commission had a public hearing to approve the library & public farms.  A  2 meeting requirement is needed for final approvement                                                                   

    Policy:  Approval of Circulation Policy - amended to the current Circulation Policy called a Service Policy - currently have a limited policy on the web site- this shares clarity of the verbiage (non-resident vs resident) which is helpful to staff - adding form on page 16, a Library Card Application - used for minors to apply for a library card. K. King moves to accept the amended Circulation Policy,  2nd by J. Newby. All in favor, motion carries.  

Finance: No comments

Personnel: J. Elsarelli moves to abolish the personnel committee.  J. Baldiga- 2nd,  All in favor, motion carries.

Capital:  * HUD grant status - Numbers from the GC (General Contractor) are needed.  Will continue to follow up.  J. Baldiga will continue to take educational webinars  on  the HUD status and Hero’s login.  More info from J. Baldiga next month after the webinar.  J. Baldiga, Director Walker, J. Newby, M. Szost will discuss possible updates to website and public communications to include all the pertinent new information as well as any of the previous information that would still be relevant.  J. Newby agrees to join this committee to focus on grants & capital funding campaigns.

Committee outreach - should this be under the capital committee - M. Szost states to consider establishing a Public Information Committee for the New Building.  Committee established with many members interested in being on this committee.  New committee is established with  Director Walker, J.Newby, and J.Baldiga as the committee.  J. Baldiga suggests coming up with 2 objectives to focus on for the committee.  Discussion took place and objectives are listed as below.

  1. Strategy for public communication for the new building, related topics & communication.       
  2. To educate the public on the progress and status of the new building and to include why we do need a new building. 
  • HUD Grant agreement - 


  • Amendments to the Addison Township Public Library By-Laws - Suggested amendments were discussed to strengthen the  current bylaws.  K. King moves to accept the suggested changes- J. Eller 2nd, all in favor, motion carries.

Communication: None

Old Business: Rolled to action items that have been addressed

New Business:

  • Prepare for Millage in 2024 - J. Elsrelli shared what he gleaned from the webinar especially regarding consulting.  Director Walker is currently taking classes weekly through the Library of Michigan, covering millage knowledge.  Shirley Bruursema was the speaker of this segment of the webinar.  Director Walker will continue to share and prepare for next year.  J. Newby volunteers to research and J. Baldiga has investigated this in previous years with Library of Michigan lead Shannon Moore who is now retired.  Director Walker will find the new person in this position that information could be drawn from.  Timeline to come.  Committee can be established as needed, possibly in April.  

Public Forum: 

Next Meeting: April 18, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise posted)

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by K. King ,2nd J. Newby  - All in favor - Meeting adjourned at 8:47 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

  1. L. Golden- Eller, Recording Secretary

*Indicates Board action items

Voice Recorded

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